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Where Music Meets Community: Acalanes Instrumental Music

Dear Musicians and Families,

My name is Edwin Cordoba and I am the Director of Instrumental Music at Acalanes High School. I would like to cordially invite you to consider being a part of the Acalanes High School Instrumental Music Program. As one of the largest positive student-centered organizations on campus - we are dedicated to the cultivation of excellence in both our character and music making. 

What makes Instrumental Music at Acalanes unique?

♪ Instrumental Music Students are part of a connected community that ensures academic success. The average GPA of an Instrumental Music Student is higher than the average Acalanes student. College admission committees value depth and years of involvement in the performing arts! 

♪ We have students that concurrently participate in Football, Dance, Water Polo, Tennis, Basketball, Cross Country, Cheer, Student Council and various other activities. 

♪ We offer various travel performance opportunities- both in state and out of state!

♪ Our symphonic band, orchestra wind ensemble, and jazz ensembles receive consistent superior ratings and top rankings at festivals!

Instrumental Music Activities Include:

♪ School concerts

♪ Festival performances

♪ Community music performances

♪ Honor band opportunities

♪ National Anthem at professional sporting events

♪ Southern California trip every 2 years including Universal Studios and Disney!

♪ Out of state trips

In 2025-2026, AHS Instrumental Music offerings include:

* Seniors who have completed 2 years in the Symphonic Band will automatically be placed in Wind Ensemble

Want to know more? 

Explore all the sections of The Acalanes Instrumental Music website which provides information about the different music ensembles, a calendar of upcoming events, photos and videos from recent events, and staff profiles. Click on the ‘Newsletters’ section to see that the music program has been up to recently…or follow us on Instagram!

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